Busha Throws a Pizza Party for Bitcoin Pizza Day!  πŸ•πŸ•

Busha Throws a Pizza Party for Bitcoin Pizza Day πŸ•πŸ•


Did you know that 10,000 Bitcoins could once buy you two pizzas? That's right – in 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made history with the first-ever commercial Bitcoin transaction, purchasing two Papa John's pizzas for a whopping 10,000 BTC. While that might seem like a bargain today (those same Bitcoins would be worth millions now!), Bitcoin Pizza Day has become an annual tradition to celebrate the cryptocurrency's humble beginnings and its incredible journey to becoming a global phenomenon. At Busha, we marked this special occasion with a delicious twist – a virtual pizza party!

Celebrating the Crypto Way

We knew that celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day meant doing it in a way that resonated with our crypto-savvy community. That's why we turned to social media, hosting giveaways on Instagram, X (twitter), and our community. The rules were simple: tag two friends you'd like to share a pizza with, follow Busha, and repost or retweet our announcement.

A Slice of the Action

The response was overwhelming!  We received hundreds of entries from Busha users eager to participate in the celebration. Winners were randomly selected, and many lucky participants received a free box of pizza to enjoy with their friends and family.

Sharing the Pizza Love

But the fun didn't stop there! We invited everyone to share photos of their Bitcoin Pizza Day celebrations, tagging us on social media. We've been flooded with mouthwatering pictures of pizzas, smiling faces, and creative ways to enjoy a slice with friends and loved ones.

For example, one user shared a photo of a Bitcoin-themed pizza topped with pepperoni arranged in the shape of the Bitcoin logo. Another user created a "pizza tower" by stacking multiple pizza boxes on each other.  We loved seeing all the unique ways our community celebrated this fun day!

A Community That Eats Together, Grows Together

Bitcoin Pizza Day may be a lighthearted celebration, but it also reminds us of the incredible growth and potential of the cryptocurrency community. At Busha, we're proud to be a part of this journey and to support our users every step of the way.

Share your Bitcoin Pizza Day stories and photos with us on social media using the hashtag #BushaPizzaParty. We love seeing how our community celebrates!

Our social media channels: Instagram, X & our community.

Let's continue to learn, grow, and make history together – one pizza at a time. #BitcoinPizzaDay #LiveMoreWithCrypto

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