Ebuka Mgbojikwe

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

What Is Layer 2 Scaling, and How Does It Impact Transaction Fees?

Imagine you're excited to send some Ethereum to a friend or buy a limited edition NFT. But when you try to send it, you’re hit with high transaction fees and long wait times. If this has happened to you, you're not alone. This issue is

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

How Can I Diversify My Crypto Portfolio to Minimize Risk?

Imagine this: You hear about a new cryptocurrency that seems promising. You decide to invest all your savings, hoping to get rich. But then the market crashes, and the value of your investment drops significantly. Ouch! This is the tough lesson learned when you don’t diversify your crypto assets.

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

11 Best Indicators for Crypto Trading in 2024: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

In the fast-paced crypto world, using the best indicators for crypto trading can help navigate the big ups, downs, and surprises. In this fast-moving environment, technical indicators are your guide, helping you make better trading decisions. Think of the best indicators for crypto trading as helpful tools. They look at

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

What Are the Best Practices for Managing My Crypto Assets?

Crypto assets – they're what everyone’s talking about. The chance for big returns is exciting, but having a smart approach is important. Like any investment, you need to be careful with your crypto investments. That’s why we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

Top 10 Applications of Blockchain Technology Beyond Finance

When you hear "blockchain," you probably think of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. And you're right—blockchain is the tech behind digital money. But it’s not just for finance. Imagine the applications of blockchain technology as a super versatile tool with many uses.  What is Blockchain? Simply

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

What Are the Latest Cryptocurrency Tax Regulations for 2024? (Nigeria Focus)

Cryptocurrency is a hot topic in Nigeria right now. From Bitcoin to Ethereum, many people are getting involved in digital currencies. However, one common question remains: How are these taxed? Nigeria's crypto market is growing fast, but there’s still some confusion about taxes. The good news is

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

9 Years of Ethereum: Here's What Has Happened in That Time

Cast your mind back to the early days of crypto. Bitcoin was the new kid on the block, grabbing headlines and turning heads. But behind the scenes, a young programmer named Vitalik Buterin had a vision for something even bigger – a platform that could do more than just digital money.

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

What Is DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

Are you tired of banks breathing down your neck and charging you an arm and a leg for every little thing? Imagine a world where you're in control of your money, free from the chains of traditional finance. That's the promise of DeFi. So, what is

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

When to Sell Your Cryptocurrency: Signs to Look Out for When It's Time to Cash Out

Riding the crypto wave is a rush, isn't it? Seeing those numbers climb, feeling like you've struck digital gold... it's addictive. But as exciting as it is to watch your crypto stack grow, there's a flip side to the coin (pun intended)

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

How to Grow Your Wealth in Dollars: A Nigerian's Guide to Financial Freedom

Ever wished you had enough money to live comfortably, travel the world, or even start that business you've been dreaming of? It's not just a pipe dream – growing your wealth in dollars can make it a reality, even here in Nigeria. Let's be honest:

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

30-day Savings Rule: Say Goodbye to Impulse Spending

Ever found yourself scrolling through online stores late at night, adding items to your cart with a few taps of your finger? Or maybe you've walked into a shop and walked out with a bag full of things you didn't even know you "needed."

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

Grow Your Crypto: Your Easy Guide to Earning Yield Farming Rewards

Tired of your crypto just sitting there? What if it could work for you, growing steadily like a plant in the sun? That's the idea behind yield farming. Yield farming is like lending your crypto to earn interest, but with a twist. It's a way to