In our everyday living (whether it’s related to finance, health, politics or so on), there’s always a set of agreements that guides the relationship, oftentimes through an intermediary. These are called contracts and they regulate aspects of our professional lives. They’re the fabrics of modern society. It’
Did you know that the highest-selling NFT so far (‘The Merge’ by Pak) sold for $91.8M? Yup. I bet one the first thoughts that rushes through your mind is, “how can I get in on this?”. Or better yet, “how do I create NFTs on Opensea [http://www.opensea.
September brings every nostalgia that comes with the holiday. Inadvertently, September is the international day of peace as it is celebrated to mark the day Hitler attacked Poland and started World War II. This celebration means it's a significant month for the corporate government, but it also means
Last week, we chatted about “the dip []”. What it meant to buy the dip, how to beat the dip and even how Bolu forgot his BBQ chicken dip. Sigh… Today, let’s talk about WHEN to buy the dip. Ready? First, allow me reiterate this
The market could be seen as an ecosystem organized by an invisible hand. Each market participant acts and plays freely based on their individual ideas and following their own personal interests. "The market" is shorthand for the collective values of individual investors and companies. However, there are recurring
“Uju and Kwaku both started a small blockchain network that allows users to verify data, and transactions and store information serially. Zulu network is home to over 1000 African users and operates as a decentralized system where users maintain, get rewarded, and vote as the network grows bigger. To ensure
Prior to its token release on the Ethereum blockchain and launching of a virtual world (Decentraland), a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) was created to oversee both the token and land project for users. The DAO and Decentraland founding team claim to have destroyed the private key controlling Decentraland’s smart
If you’re reading this, it means that you have either decided to download and get started using the Busha app or you’re still speculating and giving thoughts as to why you need this cool indigenous green-themed app, accessible 24/7 to trade cryptocurrencies. What if that wasn’t
Every day, the number of cryptocurrency users continues to grow locally and internationally. This means a direct increase in the demand, purchase, and sale of various crypto coins or tokens and further creates room for more crypto exchanges with unique offerings and missions like Buhsa to exist. Even in the
This is one term that scares many first-timers away at first sight. Taken apart, a smart contract means what it says, “smart” enough to operate without human or third-party intervention, and a “contract” serves as a set of laws that bound an agreement, decision, or action. Now let’s get
By the end of 2021 alone NFTs have raked over $22 billion in sales and these figures are climbing even faster. Quick NFT stats & Figures 1. The NFT market is currently worth over $20 billion 2. “The Merge” is the most expensive NFT to be sold for $91.8
“Njoku has desperately waited for this article since he started trading cryptocurrencies with Busha []” For many days, we’ve shown, taught, and opened your minds to how you can create, save and earn using cryptocurrencies []. Today, we shall be exploring the opposite