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Crypto Blog | Busha
Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

What Is DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

Are you tired of banks breathing down your neck and charging you an arm and a leg for every little thing? Imagine a world where you're in control of your money, free from the chains of traditional finance. That's the promise of DeFi. So, what is

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

When to Sell Your Cryptocurrency: Signs to Look Out for When It's Time to Cash Out

Riding the crypto wave is a rush, isn't it? Seeing those numbers climb, feeling like you've struck digital gold... it's addictive. But as exciting as it is to watch your crypto stack grow, there's a flip side to the coin (pun intended)

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

How to Grow Your Wealth in Dollars: A Nigerian's Guide to Financial Freedom

Ever wished you had enough money to live comfortably, travel the world, or even start that business you've been dreaming of? It's not just a pipe dream – growing your wealth in dollars can make it a reality, even here in Nigeria. Let's be honest:

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

30-day Savings Rule: Say Goodbye to Impulse Spending

Ever found yourself scrolling through online stores late at night, adding items to your cart with a few taps of your finger? Or maybe you've walked into a shop and walked out with a bag full of things you didn't even know you "needed."

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

Grow Your Crypto: Your Easy Guide to Earning Yield Farming Rewards

Tired of your crypto just sitting there? What if it could work for you, growing steadily like a plant in the sun? That's the idea behind yield farming. Yield farming is like lending your crypto to earn interest, but with a twist. It's a way to

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

7 Best Ways to Get Paid Quickly as a Freelancer in Nigeria

Are you a talented freelancer in Nigeria, tired of chasing late payments and dealing with unreliable clients? We hear you! The frustration of waiting weeks (or even months) for your hard-earned money to arrive is all too familiar. But what if you could bypass those delays and get paid faster,

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

10 Ways to Save Money on a Small Salary

In 2024, how do you make ends meet on a tight budget? The bills keep coming, and your paycheck seems to disappear faster than you can say "savings." But don't despair! Stretching your hard-earned Naira is possible, even when your income is modest. The key is

Chebet Kipingor
Members Public

A Legendary Shibe Takes Her Final Bow

The crypto world is mourning the passing of Kabochan (Kabosu), the beloved Shiba Inu whose iconic "Doge" meme sparked an internet revolution and gave birth to the meme coin, Dogecoin. At 17, this remarkable pup left pawprints on our hearts that will never fade. From a simple photo

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Busha Throws a Pizza Party for Bitcoin Pizza Day 🍕🍕

Did you know that 10,000 Bitcoins could once buy you two pizzas? That's right – in 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made history with the first-ever commercial Bitcoin transaction, purchasing two Papa John's pizzas for a whopping 10,000 BTC. While that might seem like a bargain today

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

How to Create a Budget in 8 Easy Steps (and Actually Stick to It!)

Money Troubles Got You Tossing and Turning at Night? We've all been there – that nagging worry about bills, that sinking feeling when you check your bank balance or the constant mental juggling act of trying to make ends meet. If you're tired of feeling like your

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Announcing The Winner of the HappyNoiseMaker Prize For Storytelling

We're excited to announce the winner of the Busha Special Category Prize in the HappyNoiseMaker Prize for Storytelling! This unique challenge asked aspiring writers across Africa to share their most creative "financial cheat code" stories. The task? To craft a 1,500-word tale where their present

Ebuka Mgbojikwe
Members Public

Importance of High-Interest Savings Accounts in Nigeria

Nigeria's economy is dynamic and full of potential, but it is not without its challenges. Inflation rates fluctuate, market conditions shift, and unexpected events can throw even the most well-prepared individuals off balance. In these uncertain times, financial security becomes paramount. But how can you protect your hard-earned